Sunday, November 28, 2010

Aquarius [Jan 20 – Feb 18]

Quicrky, eccentric, and freedom-loving, individualistic Aquarius likes to be that little bit different. You have a remarkable ability to see into the future and identify the next trend. With a revolutionary spirit, you march to a different drum. Your idealism is strong and you have a deep desire to aid hamanity.

You were born ahead of your time and may well find it difficult to fit into conventional society. Aquarians clash with authority and have strong principles. Your rebellious nature finds it difficult to conform. With an ability to see farther ahead than most, you desire to change the world for the better.

Nevertheless, you have huge conflict within you. Signs have “rulers” – planets with whom there is a special resonance. Aquarius has two rulers, which are the most contradictory and opposite planets possible! Chaotic and perverse, libertarian Uranus is a catalyst for change. This unpredictable planet signifies the rebel in your soul. Then there is conservative Saturn, which supports convetion, marality, and the maintanance of the established order, and follows a rigid path. This is the aloof side of your nature that feels cut off from individual contact while maintaining its concern for the mass of humanity. The result is that you may be stuck in a rut, but a rut of the most unconventional kind. You set out on a course of behavior to be different, and find yourself trapped in thoughts and experiences that you no longer wish to follow but do not know how to change. Then Uranus comes along and boots you into something new. This conflict reflects what you perceive in society. You want social justice for everyone and recognize that change is essential, but you find yourself fighting the very authority that could bring about that change. As an inventive Aquarian, you can become the instrument of reform – if you resolve your own inner conflict.

With your deep concen for social justice and changing conventioanl mores, you are found in occupations that aid humanity. Social and charity work, social policy, cutting-edge research science, medicine, psychiatry, electronics, and state-of-the art technology all appeal strongly, as does making the world a less polluted place. But so, too, does the unconventional appeal: astrology, vibrational medicine, punk rock, hypnotherpy – Aquarius tries them all. You need a job that is provoking and challeging, one that engages your inventive mind and original thinking. Product research and development employs your inventor’s skills and your ability to spot the next trend or see what will be needed in twenty year’s time. Bringing about revolution of any kind satisfies your deepest cravings for something different.

 1. Sign                                               - Aquarius
 2. Symbol                                          - Female Water bearer
 3. Ruling Planet                                - Saturn
 4. Element                                         - Airy Sign
 5. Character                                      - Immovable
 6. Direction                                       - West
 7. Sign Gem                                     - Blue Saphire
 8. Favourable Colour                       - Blue & Black
 9. Auspicious Days                          - Saturday, Friday
10. Favourable Number                   - Eight
11. Friendly Sign                               - Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces
12. Enemy Sign                                 - Aries, Cancer, Leo

1 comment:

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