Monday, November 22, 2010

Leo [July 23 – Aug 22]

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, a member of the fixed triplicity, masculine and of the fire element. In physical terms, Leo rules the heart, connecting the sign to the virtues of man such as courage, love, loyalty and generosity. Leo responds to life’s stimuli with an enthusiastic but steady spirit, offering a constant strength to any pursuit. Leo exudes a natural nobility and inner confidence which enspires trust, devotion and loyalty.

Leo represents the search for self through the creative urge and a desire to affect the immediate environment so that it reflects favourably the individual identity of the ego. Leo demands to be seen as a benefic leader, a stable centre around which others revolve, much like the sign’s ruling planet the Sun. There is a robust and handsome element, and a pride in appearance; however, this pride can easily turn to vanity and a capricious need for attention, making Leo easily won over by flattery and the manipulations of others. But Leo offers much in return for the attention and adulation sought: to those members of the inner circle, Leo is open, loving, warm and generous. Leo is passionate about love and intensely romantic.

Equally, there is no holding back with enemies. With a roar and claws bared, Leo attacks with a ruthless determination to put anyone who questions the lion’s authority, or dares to invade their territory, firmly back in their place.

The sign is closely connected with creativity and individual creative ideas are developed by Leo; they has an exceptional talent for the dramatic, is keenly aware of the importance of making a favourable – even sensational – impact in every situation. The lion is a consummate actor and performer who seeks to be admired as a star, and in this way Leo remains a little apart from the crowd, keeping a distance from any threat that may damage the well-protected ego. This is where Leo is vulnerable, the delcate but large ego is unable to suffer criticism or embarrassment, Leo rarely forgets a betrayal or a slur  to  their character, so high is the regard in which they expect to be held. The creative arts are an area where the Lion can fulfil not only the inherent talent of the sign, but also achieve the fame and admiration so important to them. Whatever the chosen career, Leo must be free to put an individual stamp or brand on the final product. It is important that there is enough scope for Leo to be congratulated and appreciated for the effort that is put into any pursuit.

Leo is made for the stage, be it the theater, television, the courtroom, the boardroom, the professions or the politician’s seat – anywhere your natural acting ability and flair for oratory can be heard, your desire to be in control can be exercised and fulfilled.

Happiest in a leadership role, you can be a team player as long as the leader has your respect. You hate to feel bored and under-stimulated, so your work must be congenial. It must also conform to what you regard as your station in life. Manual labor and lowly tasks do not suit a Leo!

 1. Sign                                                - Leo
 2. Symbol                                           - The Lion
 3. Ruling Planet                                  - Sun
 4. Element                                          - Fiery Sign
 5. Character                                       - Immovable
 6. Direction                                         - East
 7. Sign Gem                                       - Ruby
 8. Favourable Colour                         - Red, Rose
 9. Auspicious Day                              - Sunday
10. Favourable Number                      - One
11. Friendly Sign                                 - Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius
12. Enemy Sign                                  - Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius

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