Monday, November 29, 2010

Pisces [Feb 19 – March 20]

Dreamy and romantic, imaginative Pisces floats through life immersed in a world of subtle feelings and unconscious desires. You move to and fro in accordance with unseen emotional currents. Compassionate and impressionable, your concern for the welfare of others may lead you into victim or martyr scenarios. Your greatest desire is to find union with another and to merge back into the mystical oneness from which you came.

You are one of the most emotional signs of the zodiac, a creature of mood and whim. Artistic and visionary, you sometimes have trouble distinguishing between reality and the illusion created by your beautiful fantasies, which can lead to problems operating in the everyday world. Pisces tends to be vague and unfocused, especially when dealing with mundane natters.

Boundaries are a big issue for you. Kind and compassionate, and hating to say no, you tend to give yourself away too easily. People make demands on your sympathy and you feel you must help, whatever the personal cost. If you do not, you fall into guilt. Taking on too much and, hating to disappoint anyone, you spread yourself too thinly. Confused, you slide away, only to swim back at another time. This elusive quality, and your tendency to be side-tracked, make it difficult for other people to know where they stand with you. Your intentions are good, but your will is weak, and with your escapist urges, that can lead you into trouble.

Caring and empathetic, you seek employment where you feel needed. While you do not like discipline, nursing and medicine express your compassionate nature. Counseling and other helping professions, espeicially working with drug or alcohol problems, also give you scope to express your sympathetic nature and your need to be a savior. However, difficulty over boundaries and the tendency be sucked into people’s problems lead to victim or martyr situations. Remember that expressing sympathy takes you into the problems, while empathy allows you to detach and see what can be done.

You have great artistic talent and a boundless imagination so the arts provide an excellent place for you to express yourself, as an actor, dancer, writer, painter, poet, or animator, photographer or computer artist – you can explore them all in the quest to fulfill your talents. With your hypnotic quality and psychic abilities, you may also want to try your skills at being a hypnotist, Tarot reader, or Pranic healer.

 1.Sign                                                   - Pisces
 2. Symbol                                             - Two fishes having their mouth and tails joined
 3. Element                                            - Water
 4. Ruling Planet                                    - Jupiter
 5. Character                                          - Dual Nature (neither movable nor immovable)
 6. Direction                                            - North
 7. Favourable Gem                                - Yellow Saphire
 8, Favourable Colour                             - Yellow
 9. Auspicious Day                                  - Thursday
10. Favourable Number                          - Three
11. Friendly Signs                                   - Cancer, Scorpio
12. Enemy Signs                                     - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

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