Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Libra [Sept 23 – Oct 22]

Charming and equable, you are easy-going and adaptable and enjoy leading your life in a laid-back style. You dislike direct confrontation and will do everything you can to keep the peace. Being “nice” is important to you, as is refinement and tastefulness. In fact, you try so often and so diligently to be nice and accommodating of other people’s needs, that you may lose sight of yourself. When this happens, your own needs suddenly errupt with great force, surprising yourself and those around you.

Relationships mean a tremendous amount to you and you need people more than most signs. Because you hate arguments and separation, you will settle for any compromise as long as it allows you to stay with your partner. This may well mean being somewhat economical with the truth in order to maintain harmony. Libra is not beyond a little judicious juggling of the facts if it will preserve the façade of harmony.

Libra is known for having an indecisive personality. You weigh up all sides of an argument, and are able to see the value in each. This makes it difficult for you to choose and you sit on the fence for as long as you possibly can. Libra is an indolent sign. There is, however, an ambitious side to you that allows you to make an effort when required.

Harmony is the keynote of the laid-back Libran appearance. Your graceful body looks as though it was designed for pleasure. Your clothes represent the epitome of understated good taste. Time keeping is not one of Libra’s strong points. Oozing charm, you will apologize graciously and be instantly forgiven. Who can resist such a beautiful being?

Happiest working in partnership with others, Libra is the born diplomat, seeking the path of cooperation and conciliation. Any career that utilizes these qualities will be suitable. Counseling, marriage guidance, running a dating agency or management consultancy are ideal occupations.

Artistic and imaginative, you are interested in beauty in its many forms. Beautician, interior designer, art critic, designer of dresse or stage sets, artistic director of ballet dancer are all occupations that allow your talents to flow freely. The theater is your natural environment, but you also suit the world of law. You enjoy the cut and thrust of the courtroom, and the intrigue of negotiating behind the scenes.

 1. Sign                                               - Libra
 2. Symbol                                          - The Scale
 3. Ruling Planet                                - Venus
 4. Element                                         - Airy Sign
 5. Character                                      - Movable
 6. Direction                                       - West
 7. Sign Gem                                     - Diamond
 8. Favourable Colour                       - White
 9. Auspicous Day                             - Friday
10. Favourable Number                   - Six
11. Friendly Sign                               - Gemini, Cancer, Aquarius, Capricorn
12. Enemy Sign                                 - Leo

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