Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Virgo [Aug 23 – Sept 22]

Virgo is a perfectionist and works hard, which can result in workaholism and lead to mental stress. You set exacting standards for yourself and for others, and may be overaly critical if those standards are not met. Lowering your expectations slightly would set more realistic, achievable goals.

You have a logical and discriminating mind, with a tendency to analyze and categorize. Valuing rationality and common sense, you pay a great deal of attention to detail. In striving for an orderly, organized life, however, you may become permickety and pedantic. Virgo is a fastidious sign and many Virgos have an obsessive interest in hygiene. This sign is known for its love of housekeeping and filing.

Virgo is a tidy sign. Dressing neatly with clean, beautifully cut hair add up to the good grooming you value. Your body is likely to be bony and angular. While some Virgos appear sharply intellectual, others have a sensual, earthy quality. You burn nervous energy and may well have an edgy, stressed look. But one thing is certain, as a Virgo you are at home in your body – well – coordinated and efficient in your movements.

With your meticulous attention to detail, research can be a rewarding career, as can analytical or computer science, data processing, market research, accountancy, editing, or proofreading. Teaching, particularly at the higher education level, will also appeal. With Virgo’s traditional links with health, a career in health r hygiene will utilize your need to serve others – pharmacy may fit the bill. You may also enjoy working for a charity or care organization because helping others is one of your strongest instincts.

Your organizational and people skills are good. Personal and human resources will utilize your talents, as will management training. A number of secrateries and personal assistants are Virgos, and dedicated Virgos can be found wherever loyalty and discretion are required. You need a routine but, if you are to be truly happy, you also need variety and stimulation. Virgo does not like to be bored.

 1. Sign                                               - Virgo
 2. Symbol                                          - The Virgin
 3. Ruling Planet                                - Mercury
 4. Element                                         - Earthy Sign
 5. Character                                      - Dual nature
 6. Direction                                       - South
 7. Sign Gem                                     - Emerald
 8. Favourable Colour                       - Green
 9. Auspicious Days                          - Sunday, Wednesday
10. Favourable Number                   - Five
11. Friendly Sign                               - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra
12. Enemy Sign                                 - Cancer

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